Saturday, May 21, 2011
This mountain blue bird raised a family at the bird house attached to the cabin last year. The whole family was still there earlier this spring. You can always tell the male because he sits on the truck side mirror and fights with his reflection nearly all day. Was fun to watch but we realized the mirror gets covered in bird droppings, so we have to cover the mirrors to keep him away.
Castle Valley overlook. This view is one of the primary reasons we bought the cabin. As many times as I have seen it I still thrill at each approach. The only thing more beautiful than this vista is sharing it with someone else. Of all the guests that come to the cabin, nearly all say it is one of their favorites. It is only two miles from the cabin which makes it possible to go over every evening and watch the sunset. Leave something in the crockpot cooking, watch the sunset, return for a hot meal with family friends. It does not get any better than this.
Monday, May 16, 2011
I love this photo because it speaks to me on a number of levels.
•Dressed and ready to go, the spirit is willing but the flesh is "tired"
•Typical woman, keeping her feet with shoes on, off the sofa. (Thanks Cathi)
•Either before sunup or after sundown, adventure just passed or adventure upcoming...don't know which but do sense adventure.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
One thing our many guests have in common when they send us photos of their stay at the cabin is a photo of the cabin. Kathy Hadley took this photo and I really like it. Blue skies, golden hue of the cabin and some native green in the meadow. The elk have pushed down the protective fences around the fruit trees and we have made the decision to abandon them. As with most garden/fruit projects we have experienced a piece of fruit can be bought at the grocery store for a fraction of the cost to grow one.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Andrew Clark of the UK came with his wife and reported: "I don't own any sort of car, let alone a 2 ton, 8 seat, 6 liter, 4wd, SUV. The Schaefer trail off Island in the Sky is about 10 ft wide, rough, hair pinned and very steep. The drive down was way more scary than any of the climbing stuff." Some adventure weather meant for some muddy experiences navigating the dirt roads to their different destinations.
Ok, this appears crazy even on my meter.
"On top of Ancient Art, one of the Fischer towers, about 300 ft of fresh air underneath me."
Andrew Clark made it to the top and appears to have no fear of heights. I am often reminded of what my father (now passed away) said to me as he watched my buddies and I descend off a ledge on our dirt-bikes, "You are all fools and crazy. I wish I was with you!" He was in his 80s when he said it and as I look at this photo I think to myself I wish I could do it too but I'm afraid the time has passed for me to actually get it done.
Andrew Clark from the UK proved to not be the typical guest. I tip my hat to him for the amount of activity he and Catherine packed into their trip. This is obviously not for the faint of heart but intriguing to see others do it.
"Starting the climb to the craziest pinnacle in the world in a rather undignified manner, doing the jump and hump start to the "diving board" start. Jump too far and it's straight down to the bottom on the other side."
Did both of these trips with Moab Desert Adventures - who deserve a plug.
Peekaboo trail in the Needles - best hike ever. Little challenging in places but within the capabilities of anyone reasonably fit and doesn't suffer from vertigo. Scenery and solitude are stunning.
Andrew and Catherine, were obviously not as interested in the rocking chairs on the front porch of the cabin as so many are. In fact unusually cold weather this past April of 2011 kept them from enjoying the front porch experience but as evidenced by these photos, it did not inhibit their activity.
Andrew biking slick rock. Notice the small white lines painted on the rock to mark the trail. Easy to get disoriented for first time visitors the white lines have saved many a rider when it comes time to head back to the truck. Orinally painted by motor bike enthusiasts the trail has become a favorite for mountain bikers.
Andrew under landscape arch
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