One of the most gratifying parts of the work involved with the cabin, is occasionally meeting the guests. We were fortunate to arrive on the day Phil and Lynn Warren were checking out. It is amazing how fast friendships occur based on the common denominator of the cabin. In this photo my son Dane, friends from Phoenix John and Brenda Barry, along with Lynn and Phil Warren from New Jersey. This was Phil's first trip East of West Virginia and he really enjoyed the West. Moab and the surrounding area held a lot of firsts for both the Barrys and the Warrens but the best for us was making their acquaintance and friendship. We look forward to seeing them again some day with friends that stayed behind. The story behind these friends of the Warrens is somewhat typical of some of our guests. Because we are novice hosts, we just ask for the payment to be made in advance of folks coming and this does cause some anxiety amongst some because; as Phil's friends expressed...they hoped there really was a cabin. There is a cabin and we will have to develop a better system to assure interested folks that it does exist. Perhaps a credit card processing system in which they feel more comfortable than just sending us the check. But until that happens, some will have to take a leap of faith. Thanks Phil and Lynn for your kind expressions regarding the cabin and I look forward to posting some of your photos once you send them on.