Monday, March 22, 2010
Torrin riding down Sand Flats Road
took advantage of one our trips into town to do a little biking. As we descended from the cabin at 7200 ft Torrin took his bike out of the back near the trail head for porcupine trail and for the most part coasted down a few miles. Smudgy photo because I took it though the windshield. The snow is non existent at the lower elevations and we counted 84 seperate vehicles parked along the campsites near Fins N Things and Slickrock. I don't remember seeing that many folks even in the busier parts of the year. Perhaps the recession has more people camping and the Moab area is the beneficiary. The two nights we spent in town to watch the basketball games at Zax pizza, the town was buzzing with people. Susie likes it that moab seems to be a vibrant little town. One secret when visiting Moab in the off season, is the Moab Brewery offers all their half pound hamburgers with all trimmings for $5.00 I had the bacon swiss cheese half pounder with fries and it was super.
Moab rim from porch after storm
Fireplace keeps it warm
evening Sun on the LaSals
On the
way back up to the cabin on the Sand Flats road after being in town to watch the NCAA playoffs and run some errands I snapped this photo through the windshield of the LaSals. The cabin is on the mesa just right of center of this photograph. I am just passing Fins N Things at the time of this photo.
Pickup 100 yards out
Susie went out to photograph Torrin building his snow toad and I took this one to show the distance away from the cabin the truck is stuck in the snow. Look directly back of the right of the fruit tree to see where the pickup made it to. We had shoveled the walkway the day before so it was clear and dried out each day in the warm temps. We are hoping the same will apply to the road where we shoveled. Each day we watched the snow melt before our eyes and at times marveled how fast it was melting.
snow frog
another snowfall
Torrin digging out
Path shoveled in front yard
The snow in the back yard was so deep it exceeded the height of the porch. The firepit is about 5-6 feet below the drift you see on the left of this photo. Some of the snow is what we shoveled off the deck itself but before we started the snow drift was above the deck itself. Warm weather helped but this side of the property is in the shade and was not melting near as fast as the front yard. The locals say this is the latest heaviest snowfall in these parts they can remember. The days were warm with the nights dropping to freezing one night when it snowed again and around freezing the other nights.
snow on the lane
Snowed in
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