On Monday 15 2010, Susie, Torrin and I headed for the cabin to get it ready for the season. we anticipated some snow but not the amount we encountered. The Sand Flats road up the mountain was fine with a few spots with snow but nothing to speak of as the county had plowed the road sometime previous. At the lane into the cabin however, the only tire marks we saw were of our friend and caretaker Farland's pickup. We had spoken with her earlier in the week and she told us that she had been snowbound for a few days and took advantage of the late season snowfall to cross country ski all around the mesa. Later she pointed out her ski tracks where she skiid off a ledge at Cougar canyon. (Impressive) She baby sat gold medalist Bill Demong, Nordic Combined, when he was a child and was justifiably proud as she pointed out her tracks off some ledges. This photo shows the effort Torrin and I put forth in digging us out of the snow enough to put on chains. We arrived Monday night and made it to within 150 yards from the cabin via the road but walked in carrying our stuff 100 yards off the road and straight in. The temperture was in the 4os that night so we tramped through snowdrifts up to my hips carrying our stuff. Tuesday Torrin and I spent the day getting the pickup chained and turned around. All day Tuesday the melt was on because temps went to the 60s. The parts where we had cleared snow were now bogs of mud. Left the chains on to make sure we could navigate through if we need to. We decided we didn't need to go anywhere and remained at the cabin, woke up Wednesday morning to fresh falling snow. We re-shoveled pathways and Torrin declared he liked to dig so he was off and at it.

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