Clark Wiscombe and Steve of Darkhorse Leadership
http://darkhorseleadership.com were the key component of making this roof project happen. Referred by a good friend Scott Hatch of Topline builders and precast concrete, Clark and Steve are certified canyoneering guides. They have backgrounds in home construction and metal roofs so while I had a variety of other bids, I chose these guys because once again they came recommended and had experience in the trade of metal roofs. This became obvious as they began unloading and laying out per a pattern that Rudy from Bunger Steel had made earlier. These two guys were awesome to watch. Both had energy to burn and worked as a real team. No wasted motion but an awful lot of it. I asked if it was doable with just two guys and they commented that they were a small crew but knew each other's movements and liked having just the two of them. As the project proceeded their expertise showed up time and time again. I give them my heartiest thumbs up.
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